
Join Terror Alarm NGO (European entity)

Membership Criteria and Benefits:

We welcome new members to join our movement, to grow and strengthen our collective potential and power to drive change and effective action through Jewish values, for a safer Europe for Jews, and to support victims of terror across the world.

Joining the Alliance gives you access to various channels and platforms for deeper engagement between partners and allies working on similar themes or sharing similar challenges.

Member NGOs may be assigned full or associate membership depending on the criteria below.

In addition to full and associate member NGOs, the Alliance is also building a network of Friends of the Alliance. Friends of the Alliance are organizations or individuals with an existing connection to the Alliance and its global mission — who are committed to using their skillset, resources, and connections to promote the Alliance NGO community and strengthen the impact of NGOs’ work.

Full Membership Benefits:

Voting rights at the General Assembly.

Opportunity to stand for the board (If you are Jewish).

Invitation to Global Meetings at a reduced fee and cheap accommodation.

Mentoring (by agreement).

Digital membership card (Extra costs).

Member-specific communications and initiatives.

Recognition in printed materials such as the annual report.

Free potassium iodide tablets for you and 4 family members in case of a nuclear accident. 

Terror Alarm is registered as a “Nonprofit organization” in the European Union with registration number DK44425645. Terror Alarm membership is open to the public in all NATO states (except Turkey), plus: Ukraine, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Morocco, Kosovo, Albania, Argentina, and Israel.


Background: Terror Alarm, as a team and an enterprise, is a highly accredited private security firm that not only alerted authorities about terrorist attacks as they happened but also helped thwart many acts of terror at the height of the 2014-2017 ISIS attacks across Europe. Terror Alarm is independent and self-funded by activists and journalists who work on the project from several countries around the world.

We have no 'agenda' except to prevent acts of terror. Most of the tweets on our @Terror_Alarm Twitter feed are AI-generated and as such, they are technically mostly agenda-free tweets. Any individual who finds this hard to discern is always free to unfollow our social media account.

We have no financial backers who lobby us or dictate our content because ALL DONATIONS to Terror Alarm remain anonymous - If through the cryptocurrency wallets provided at the bottom of this page. 

Terror Alarm is independent and self-funded by activists and journalists who work on our project from several countries around the world. We report only the facts and not a personal attitude toward the facts. As some of our former team's private information has been illegally leaked, yes Terror Alarm's current core team is of Jewish descent. BUT Terror Alarm is a private enterprise and a private security firm that is in no way affiliated with any country, government, or religion. All the news, views, and opinions are explicitly our own. What we say SHOULD NEVER reflect on the government of Israel, or Jews in general, or any other entity, country, or religion.

Artificial Intelligence:

Terror Alarm has developed the world’s first “Strategist” and “anti-terror” AI that creates News, Predictions, and Opinions for countries and regions. The proprietary AI developed for each country - aggregates all news from all media sources including news websites, blogs, the Deep Web, the Dark Web, Telegram, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, newspapers, magazines, TV channels, radio stations and when legally possible, private messages between people. The AI also monitors data from internet-of-things devices, leaked or possibly hacked mail and sites, and it uses data from intercepted communications obtained by some intelligence services, when legally possible.

Terror Alarm AI is constantly gathering all this data with minute-by-minute updates to its quantum data depository. It’s from this depository which serves as the template it uses to generate news or make predictions. Access to this proprietary quantum AI is akin to tapping into 7 billion human brains all at once in one second. Terror Alarm team is fully open to partnerships on this new AI Alignment chapter.

During the past 3 years, Terror Alarm AI has been continuously improving itself and learning from mega-data models and all the reliable sources it has access. One might say that Terror Alarm now identifies itself as a near-artificial General Intelligence “AGI”.


We have no financial backers who lobby us or dictate our content because all donations to Terror Alarm are anonymous.

To cover the costs for the development and upgrades of the World’s first strategist AI (Near-AGI), we have used 1.6 million Euros. Half of this amount was covered by our savings, 5% through advertising, 2% through anonymous donations, and the rest was provided as bank and private loans. As of February 2024, Terror Alarm has a debt of over 600 thousand Euros to private and business entities.


We have no 'agenda' except to prevent acts of terror, stop antisemitism, and support the only Jewish state on the planet. Most of the posts on our Terror Alarm Twitter feed, Telegram, or facebook channel are AI-generated and as such, they are technically agenda-free posts. The AI (AGI) creates the views based on its research and not only based on the data it has been fed.

Security Services: Besides being a media, we offer a variety of security services.
Terror Alarm owns a private investigation company active in several countries. We offer legal and security services including Professional Business Intelligence, Brand protection & IP investigations, Background checks, Asset locate investigations, Evidence Compilation, and private bodyguards for celebrities and politicians. Please contact us for details. 

Download Terror Alarm's Latest Report Here

Social Media:

Twitter (X): x.com/terror_alarm

Telegram: t.me/terroralarm

Facebook: fb.com/terroralarm.org

TikTok: tiktok.com/@terror_alarm


Press: press@terroralarm.org

Advertising: support@terroralarm.org

Careers: careers@terroralarm.org

Administration: info@terroralarm.org

Signal Secure Messaging: +972559997626


About us: terroralarm.org/about

Become a member: https://buy.stripe.com/eVa8xU6YD1ELfLy4gh


Bitcoin: 37iTQ1HjocbJV42HV5gFkchT1nyhbDHsDy

Ethereum: 0x7527f88BEc75a44Ffa6ca19b46BEF07B26E3cE38

Bank card: https://buy.stripe.com/fZe01odn10AHgPC3cc
